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FAQHere you can find all the infos that you need when ordering with us: - Are all prices per piece (shell, skirt) or for the whole uniform? All of our prices are for the whole uniform. You will get a top (shell) and a skirt. The prices are all including tax, but excluding shipping or additional charges for our extra options (custom size, custom color, lettering). - Is it possible get a sample of the cloth or even a sample uniform up ahead, before ordering? We provide free cloth samples for you. Just send us an email with your shipping address and we will be happy to send you some of our cloth for free. If you want a sample uniform to check out the quality and size before ordering, you will have to deposit the amount of money on our account that the uniform would have cost you. The money will be refunded on return of the uniform. - How can I pay cheer-spirit.com after ordering? One of our payment partners is Paypal. The trusted leader in online payments, enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money online. PayPal has over 96 million member accounts in 55 countries and regions. It's accepted by merchants everywhere, both on and off eBay. PayPal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with us. Another option for payment are bank transfers (applies only for EU member countries). - How long will delivery take? After payment is completed your order will be processed in our production line. Depending on order volumes the delivery can take 3-5 weeks (from payment completion to receiving your uniforms at your shipping address). If you have another question not posted here, please do not hesitate to ask us here. |